DC Pearls Dental Boutique

Things to know about an emergency dentist


Dental Emergency

We all try to avoid emergency situations. And a dental emergency is something that can be very painful for the patient. It is important that you know all about an emergency dentist in Washington DC.  so that you don’t panic in such a situation. So, in this blog, we are going to talk about things that you must know about an emergency dentist!


What Is An Emergency Dentist?

An emergency dentist Washington is a dentist who treats patients in need of urgent dental care. The following conditions are considered dental emergencies: abscesses, infections, loose teeth, chipped teeth, and severe tooth pain. In addition to providing emergency tooth extraction, periapical abscess (pus near the tooth), endodontic services for pulpitis (tooth pain), and dental fractures, an emergency dentist may also provide endodontic services.

Dentistry that treats dental emergencies is distinct from other types of dentistry because the dental conditions that require emergency treatment are severe, uncommon, and frequently painful. In addition, they can sometimes render patients unable to function normally. Visits to the dentist in an emergency can also take place on the weekend or on holidays when regular dental offices are closed.

The emergency dentist provides emergency services while keeping in mind that emergency dental conditions and emergency treatment can be excruciating and that these services require specialized knowledge and an understanding of how the human body works.

When To See An Emergency Dentist?

When a dental emergency arises that cannot wait for a regularly scheduled appointment, a patient will typically contact an emergency dentist for assistance. Dental pain, a lack of sleep, changes in lifestyle (such as trauma), and injuries to the teeth or other parts of the mouth are all potential contributors to this condition.

The following are some of the signs and symptoms of dental emergencies:

  • Enlargement of your gum tissue
  • Severe dental pain
  • Severe sensitivity of the teeth
  • Bleeding from the gums that do not stop
  • Tenseness in your jaw muscles
  • A tooth that was knocked out by an accident

There are a variety of circumstances that could be considered an emergency. However, not every emergency calls for treatment at an urgent care facility. If you are unsure if your dental issue is an emergency or not, contact your emergency dentist. The dental staff will provide you with guidance to help alleviate symptoms at home and will determine whether you require immediate urgent dental care or if you can wait for a later appointment.

If any of the following apply, you should immediately head to the nearest hospital emergency room for medical assistance:

  • Because of the excruciating facial pain or the swelling, you are unable to talk or even breathe.
  • You have suffered an injury to your head, neck, chest, or stomach.
  • Your mouth and lips have a tingling and numbing sensation to them.
  • You are unable to stop one side of your face from sagging, which is very noticeable.

Emergency Dentists Are On Call 24/7

Because dental emergencies can arise at any time, dentists who specialize in providing emergency care are available around the clock. Any time of day or night, but especially on weekends and holidays, someone may find themselves in need of urgent dental care. Emergency dentists are available to treat patients in need of immediate dental care, even outside of their normal business hours, in the event that a dental emergency occurs.

In the event that you experience a dental emergency, it is in your best interest to call the after-hours dentist as soon as possible so that they can direct you through the necessary self-care procedures until they can see you.

Where To Find An Emergency Dentist

The first thing that you are going to want to do is to remain calm, and if there is a tooth that has been knocked out, you should try to find it and keep it moist if you can. The next step is to look for an urgent care dentist who is located close to you. There are dental offices that provide emergency dental care; however, not all of them are open around the clock. You might need to find a dental clinic that is open around the clock if you have a dental emergency in the middle of the night, on the weekend, or on a holiday. Once you have located an emergency dentist, give them a call and describe your situation to them; if you are unable to talk, have someone assist you in making the call. Further instructions for a treatment plan can be provided by the dental staff at your appointment.

Are you looking for a dental service in Washington, DC? Then please contact us at 202-750-8718 or schedule an appointment online.

Feel free to contact us at DC Pearls Dental Boutique in the case of any dental emergency. We would be more than happy to extend our services to you!

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Straight Talk about Invisalign®

Are you ready for your journey to a straighter, stronger, healthier smile? With Invisalign® clear aligners, we can straighten your bite in just 6-18 months without anyone knowing. You can stay active in sports, socialize and live your life free from the restrictions that metal braces impose.

Invisalign® for Your Health

Invisalign® isn’t just for your looks, it’s also for your health. Crooked teeth can cause many health problems, from periodontal disease to premature wear that leads to jaw pain, gum recession, loose teeth, fractures and even headaches. Invisalign® can straighten your smile and enhance your health.

Clear Braces

Instead of traditional metal wires and brackets, Invisalign® uses a progression of clear aligner trays to shift teeth into proper position. We use computer models to create customized aligner trays for a picture-perfect smile. Because the aligners are clear, no one even has to know that you are wearing them!

Invisalign®: FAQs

How long does treatment take?

Total treatment time with Invisalign® ranges from 6 to 18 months, with most cases taking 12 months.

Does Invisalign® hurt?

Invisalign® does cause some soreness, but usually less so than traditional metal braces. Most people experience discomfort when they change aligners, but the soreness lessens over a few days.

How often do I change aligners?

Most trays are worn for 2 weeks, and are then swapped for a new set of trays to further progress in treatment.

Can I remove my clear aligners to eat?

Yes, aligners can be removed to eat, drink, brush and floss teeth. Other than those instances, aligners must be worn at all times (including sleep) in order for the treatment to work.

How do I clean my Invisalign® trays?

Gently brush aligners every night and rinse them thoroughly to keep them clean and bacteria-free.

For more information on Invisalign®, please call our team today! DC Pearls Dental Boutique Phone Number 202-750-8718

Dental Implants: What to Know

Dental implants are becoming more and more popular as a replacement option for missing teeth. While bridges and dentures remain an important choice in patient care, dental implants are almost always the preferred treatment in terms of health and lifestyle. In addition to crafting beautiful crowns, Dr. Ardekani also places precision dental implants in our office.

Why get dental implants?

Dental implants look, feel and function almost exactly like natural teeth. With dentures and bridges, people are unable to eat certain foods, and they often worry about social embarrassment due to slippage when talking or laughing. This can have very significant negative effects on self-esteem. By contrast, dental implants are permanent – they will not fall out and patients can eat, laugh and chew anything without restriction.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

Almost any adult in good health is a great candidate for dental implants! If you have jawbone recession, which happens to those missing a tooth for several months or more, we may need to perform bone grafting to build up your bone prior to placing the dental implant. This is a routine procedure with very successful results.

What are the benefits of dental implants over other restoration methods?

Dental Implants:

  • Better Aesthetics: Dental implants fit in seamlessly with your smile and are permanent.
  • Longevity: Dental implants can last a lifetime when cared for properly, while bridges and dentures require regular replacement.
  • Eat Anything: No restrictions on your diet with dental implants.
  • Self-Esteem: Get your confidence back with a smile that won’t slip or embarrass you mid-sentence.
  • Comfortable: You won’t even know that you have an implant once it has integrated with your bone.
  • Better Health: When a tooth is lost, the jawbone begins to deteriorate almost immediately. Dental implants provide the needed stimulation to keep your jaw healthy for life.

Dental implants are a great investment in your self-esteem, your
lifestyle and your health. To find out more about dental implants and meet our friendly team, please call us today at DC Pearls Dental Boutique Phone Number 202-750-8718.


Winter Oral Health Tips

While we know cold air wreaks havoc on our lips, winter weather can also trigger teeth sensitivity and other oral health issues! Keep your smile healthy and beautiful all winter long with these quick tips from DC Pearls Dental Boutique.

Mouth Sores in the Winter

Mouth sores can be caused by virus, illness, or seemingly nothing at all.

Canker Sores – Canker sores are white sores inside the mouth that are usually not contagious, but can flare up in the winter due to harsh elements and overindulgence of acidic foods during the holidays. Because avoiding acidic and spicy foods altogether may not be possible, we recommend swishing a mixture of one teaspoon salt with a half a cup of water to help clean the stores several times a day – this can aid in healing.

Cold Sores – Cold sores are most often located on the lips and are highly contagious. Sometimes people see a flare-up of cold sores in the winter because of exposure to the harsh sun. Be careful to protect your lips with SPF lip balm in the winter just as you would in the summer to ward off these painful sores.

Sensitivity in the Cold

For those with sensitive teeth, the winter can mean even more pain because there is simply more cold air to irritate the teeth. To combat extra sensitivity, use desensitizing toothpaste and don’t forget to floss after brushing – this stimulates the gums to keep them healthy and protect underlying roots. Furthermore, always use a soft toothbrush to avoid even more irritation.

Drink Up for Better Breath

We know our bodies need at least eight glasses of water for optimal health, but did you know it’s important for oral health too? Drinking water rinses out your mouth and keeps it moist—keeping smelly bacteria at bay. Moisture depletion can be maintained with proper hydration, reducing the feeling of a dry mouth.

Bundle Up

Our teeth may be hard, but they are not immune to extreme cold! In fact, drastic fluctuations in temperature can cause your teeth to expand and contract, which may cause hairline fractures in the surface. Limit your time in cold weather, and when that isn’t an option, trap heat near your face by wearing a scarf or mask when you have to brave the cold!

For questions about your oral health this winter, please call us at DC Pearls Dental Boutique Phone Number 202-750-8718 today!

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A Beautiful Healthy Smile Equals A Healthy Confidence

Your Smile Can Be Your Largest Social Asset

According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry almost every adult believes that a smile is a very important social asset. In fact, over 96% of adults believe that a beautiful smile makes a person more appealing to the opposite sex. This means that you increase your chances of a healthy romantic relationship simply by having a smile you’re proud of. The more high quality relationships you have in your life, the more your confidence will grow.

In fact, over 36% of people believe they would have a better love and social life if they had a more beautiful smile. Bad teeth was listed as one of the largest turn-offs for both men and women. Several women also reported that bad teeth are a bigger turn off than a receding hairline. After all, it’s hard to start a relationship if you’re afraid to smile.

Not Smiling Can Actually Hurt Your Career Success

When you smile at another person, the physical action releases endorphins in your brain. Endorphins are called nature’s “happy drug.” They make you feel happy and raise your self-esteem. When you smile, you feel and act in a more personable way to everyone around you and exude a feeling of positive attitude. The most popular and influential people in most situations are people who genuinely smile at others when they meet them and greet them.

Over 3/4 of adults believe that an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chance for career success. Since a lot of your career success hinges on your ability to develop relationships and impress people, your smile (or lack thereof) could be greatly hindering your chances of reaching the heights you know you’re capable of.

Smiling is one of the techniques used to promote cooperation in the workplace. And the ability to encourage cooperation amongst teammates is an important leadership quality of business leaders in the 21st century. You’ll often see the most charismatic and confident people tend to rise to the top of their chosen careers. One of the biggest reasons this occurs is because they are not afraid. If you’re holding back or hiding your smile for fear of judgement this gets communicated subconsciously to those who could potentially help you succeed.

To succeed on your career path, you first have to believe and have confidence in yourself. A smile you’re proud of can go a long way in this department.